The fermion and meson sectors of the quark-level SU(2) linear sigma model are dynamically generated from a meson-quark Lagrangian, with the quark (q) and meson (σ, π) fields all treated as elementary, having neither bare masses nor expectation values. In the chiral limit, the masses are predicted to be mq = fπg, mπ = 0, mσ = 2mq, and we also find that the quark-meson coupling is g = 2π/ √ Nc, the three-meson coupling is g ′ = m 2 σ /2fπ = 2gmq and the four-meson coupling is λ = 2g 2 = g ′ /fπ, where fπ ≃ 90 MeV is the pion decay constant and Nc = 3 is the colour number. By gauging this model one can generate the couplings to the vector mesons ρ and A1, including the quark-vector coupling constant gρ = 2π, gρππ, gA 1 ρπ and the masses mρ ∼ 700 MeV, mA 1 ≃ √ 3mρ; of course the vector and axial currents remain conserved throughout.