This study looks at how three middle school teachers of English as a second language (ESL) use technology in the classroom. Technology use in the ESL classroom has the potential of supporting the English and content learning of English language learners, but the availability of technology does not necessarily lead to technology integration that supports student learning. Teacher attitudes and beliefs toward technology as well as lack of time and adequate resources may deter teachers from integrating technology in their lessons. The researcher conducted teacher interviews and classroom observations of each of the language arts classes taught by three ESL teachers. Available technology at the classroom, ESL department, and school levels was diverse: digital boards, overhead projectors for the digital boards, document cameras, laptops, desktops, iPods, iPads, and internet connection for all the devices. The teachers seemed to be comfortable users of the available technology despite scarce training, lack of time and technology support, and several episodes of technology malfunction. However, the use of technology could be expanded. The researcher makes several recommendations, such as additional time for planning lessons that use technology and further professional development related to technology use.