The High Performance DEH-PiP is a new technology for electrical heating of subsea tie-back flowlines, that minimizes disturbances to the construction and installation process wrt. to standard PiP avoiding the use of internal heating cable, while reaching the same electrical efficiency as e.g. Electrical Heat-Traced (EHT) pipe-in-pipes. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative study that has been made on the cost, delivery schedules, and local content of various heated pipelines technologies for subsea tiebacks, with specific application targets, notably in West Africa.
A complete engineering study has been made (flow assurance, pipeline design, electrical engineering, installation engineering) based on real cases. Full EPCI costs have been evaluated, and local content for fabrication quantified. Two construction techniques have been compared: J-Lay comparatively to Reel-Lay, as the DEH-PiP is a product well adapted to all types of construction vessels. The study concludes that High Performance DEH PiP, while being comparable in terms of electrical efficiency to ETH, brings a 20% saving in total EPCI costs and a very significant increase in manhours of local fabrication (+100k mhrs)
This paper introduces a new DEH-PiP design, reaching significantly higher electrical efficiency, in the range of 90%-95%, and installable with a very versatile fleet. Hence constructability studies in J-Lay are completely novel.