We have employed ab initio molecular dynamics simulations in an attempt to study a temperature-induced order-disorder structural phase transformation that occurs in Li 2 NH at about 385 K. A structural phase transition was observed by us in the temperature range 300-400 K, in good agreement with experiment. This transition is associated with a melting of the cation sublattice ͑Li + ͒, giving rise to a superionic phase, which in turn is accompanied by an order-disorder transition of the N-H bond orientation. The results obtained here can contribute to a better understanding of the hydrogen storage reactions involving Li 2 NH and furthermore broaden its possible technological applications toward batteries and fuel cells.Superionic solids form a class of materials of great importance for applications in renewable energy technologies such as electrolytes in fuel cells and batteries. 1 Special attention has been given to those materials which have Li atoms as the highly mobile entities, as for instance in Li 3 N. 2 This compound has also been discussed as a promising hydrogen storage medium 3-9 since it was demonstrated by Chen et al. 10 that upon hydrogenation, it transforms into lithium imide ͑Li 2 NH͒ plus lithium hydride ͑LiH͒, facilitating the storage of a large amount of hydrogen in a reversible process. These findings have subsequently prompted a flurry of investigations both from experimentalists and theorists on Li 2 NH, a compound which had been known since the 1950s. 11 This material undergoes an order-disorder transition at around 400 K and a vivid discussion has taken place in the literature about its correct low-and high-temperature structure. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Here we intend to focus on other important questions which arise, such as: how do the ion transport properties change as Li 3 N is hydrogenated ͑i.e., in the Li 2 NH phase͒? Can the order-disorder transition in this phase enhance the ionic conductivity? What would be the mobile species in the imide compound?The high Li conductivity is expected to be significantly diminished in Li 2 NH as compared to that in Li 3 N due to strong electrostatic interaction with the partially positively charged hydrogen atoms in the NH 2− units. However, based on first-principles molecular dynamics ͑MD͒ simulations, we reveal in this work that the order-disorder transition at around 400 K actually involves the dissolution of the previously frozen Li sublattice into a superionic phase with Li + cations diffusing through channels formed by the solid NH 2− -anion sublattice. Time-averaged, such a scenario would be indistinguishable from the experimentally observed simple-cubic Li sublattice. The intriguing findings of our study may broaden the possible technological applications of Li 2 NH.In our MD simulations, forces were calculated from density-functional theory 20 as implemented in the ͑VASP͒ code. 21,22 The calculations are based on the generalized gradient approximation ͑GGA͒ ͑Ref. 23͒ and made use of the projector-augmented wave ͑PAW͒ approach. 24 A...