Regularities in the behavior of the magnetoresistance hysteresis R(H) in the granular yttrium hightemperature superconductors (HTSs) have been established. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of the magnetotransport properties has been carried out on the granular HTS samples, which exhibit (i) approximately the same magnetic properties and temperatures of the onset of the superconducting transition (90.5-93.5 K, which is characteristic of HTS grains) and (ii) different critical transport currents J C (which is characteristic of grain boundaries). Despite a significant (by more than an order of magnitude) spread of the J C values for the three samples, a universal behavior of the magnetoresistance hysteresis has been found, which is apparently inherent in all the granular Y-Ba-Cu-O compounds. The R(H) hysteresis is extremely broad and, in a fairly wide external field range, the dependence of the magnetoresistance hysteresis width ΔН on the field H dec (the external field for the decreasing hysteresis branch is Н = H dec ) is almost linear: ΔH ≈ H dec . This behavior is observed over the entire temperature range of implementation of the superconducting state (the investigations have been carried out at temperatures of 77-88 and 4.2 K). The result obtained has been explained by considering the effective field in grain boundaries, which is a superposition of the external field and the field induced by the magnetic moments of grains. The field induced by grains, in turn, significantly increases in the region of grain boundaries due to the magnetic flux compression (the grain boundary length is shorter than the HTS grain size by several orders of magnitude). The aforesaid has been confirmed by the analysis of the R(H) hysteresis for the Y-Ba-Cu-O-and CuO-based HTS composite, in which the grain boundary length is purposefully increased; as a result, the flux compression is less pronounced and the R(H) hysteresis narrows.