interferometry, proposed in a classic 1986 paper by Yurke, McCall, and Klauder [Phys. Rev. A 33, 4033 (1986)], involves squeezing, displacing, and then unsqueezing two bosonic modes. It has, over the past decade, been implemented in a variety of experiments. Here I take SU(1,1) interferometry apart, to see how and why it ticks. SU(1,1) interferometry arises naturally as the two-mode version of active-squeezing-enhanced, back-action-evading measurements aimed at detecting the phase-space displacement of a harmonic oscillator subjected to a classical force. Truncating an SU(1,1) interferometer, by omitting the second two-mode squeezer, leaves a prototype that uses the entanglement of two-mode squeezing to detect and characterize a disturbance on one of the two modes from measurement statistics gathered from both modes. 1 2 (v G /c) 2 2 × 10 −7 , corresponding to a coherence time τ = 1/∆ν 5 × 10 6 τ a , where τ a = 1/ν a is the axion period and thus the period of the cavity mode. One * Electronic address: arXiv:1912.12530v1 [quant-ph] 28 Dec 2019 II. SU(1,1) INTERFEROMETRY , McCall, and Klauder [32] introduced the notion of SU(1,1) interferometry by replacing the beamsplitters of a standard SU(2) interferometer with active elements now called two-mode squeezers.
YurkeA standard interferometer uses beamsplitters acting on a pair of modes, a and b, to send waves down two different paths and to bring those waves into interference after they have received phase shifts that one wants to detect. A standard interferometer is