“…However, process (1) does not su$ciently account for why the s r is related to the PA as indicating the fact that s r s at n῎2 were much larger than those at n῎4 for X῎DMS, DMSO, and pyridine of high PAs, because s r for process (1) depended on the s col , which was not related to the PA. When coordination water molecule (s) were observed among the product ions at low E col , we had reason to believe that H ῌ X was produced by process (1). However, when no products were observed accompanied by coordination water molecule(s) as in the cases of X῎DMS, DMSO, and pyridine, then another possible process, i.e., direct proton transfer, may also have been involved: H (2) does account for the observation that s r was expedited when the target X had a greater PA than that of (H 2 O) n .…”