Most marine sediments exhibit transverse isotropy ͑TI͒ that can have a significant effect on the signal properties of strongly bottom interacting sound. Locally, transverse isotropy has the greatest effect on the fundamental and near fundamental modal overtones. The local shallow water TI modes have reduced amplitude in the sediment relative to the corresponding shallow water modes for an isotropic bottom. Even a small departure from isotropy ͑2.4%͒ can have a significant ͑15%͒ effect on the phase velocity of bottom interacting modes. Calculations of mode-mode coupling coefficients for a range-dependent medium indicate that mode coupling is more strongly confined to modal nearest neighbors for a TI medium characterized predominantly by shear wave anisotropy, when compared to the corresponding isotropic medium. As the frequency increases, the strongest coupling occurs between higher overtones and also becomes more strongly peaked around nearest neighbors. The coupled mode theory of Maupin ͓Geophys. J. 93, 173-185 ͑1988͔͒ is employed to model the coupling. This theory can treat smooth gradients and sloping layer boundaries for all five of the bottom elastic moduli in a TI medium, the densities, and the range dependence of the water column itself. This coupled mode formulation also properly accounts for the continuity of stress and displacement boundary conditions in an exact way at irregular interfaces.