Polyribosomes were isolated from a clonal line of mouse neuroblastoma grown in culture. In a heterologous in vitro system containing rat brain components, these polyribosomes were shown to direct the synthesis of neuroblastoma tubulin. Identification of the tubulin synthesized in vitro was achieved by coelectrophoresis with native neuroblastoma tubulin on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, immunoprecipitation, and demonstration of specific aggregation. Tubulin accounted for 2% of the total proteins synthesized. This in vitro protein synthesizing system offers a model for studying possible translational control mechanisms regulating the synthesis of proteins involved in nerve cell function.The existence of specific translational and(or) transcriptional mechanisms regulating the synthesis of various proteins playing major roles in the function of nerve cells has been postulated (1-3). A model system for the investigation of these regulatory mechanisms at a molecular level would be an in vitro protein synthesizing system directed by nerve cell components. Mouse neuroblastoma (NB) tissue culture cells which exhibit many of the properties of mature nerve cells, including cell morphology (4, 5), electrical excitability (6), and the expression of several nerve specific enzyme activities (5, 7), seemed to be a prime candidate for the development of such a system. Since homogeneous cloned lines of NB can be easily grown in culture, large quantities of NB cell constituents involved in protein synthesis can be isolated without concern about other neuronal or glial contaminants.In the present report, we describe the isolation of NB polyribosomes and their ability to direct the synthesis of NB protein in a heterologous cell-free system. This system included various rat brain components which have already been demonstrated to support in vitro protein synthesis directed by ratbrain polyribosomes (8). The fidelity of this in vitro protein system will be demonstrated by the identification of tubulin as one of the synthesized proteins. Although tubulin is not unique to cells of neuronal origin (9), it is found in relatively high concentration in NB cells (10) and appears to play a role in the outgrowth and maintenance (3,(11)(12)(13) Cells. Mouse NB, clone NS20 (17), was grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10 units/ml of penicillin, 10 iug/ml of streptomycin sulfate, and 10% fetalcalf serum (growth medium). Stock cultures were maintained in falcon T flasks and cells used for experiments were grown in roller bottles containing 200 ml of growth medium.Preparation and Analysis of Polyribosomes. Cells grown to stationary phase were washed in modified saline Di solution (7) and then detached and lysed in a solution containing 50 mM Tris* HCl (pH 7.4), 100 mM KCl, and 5 mM MgCl2 (lysis buffer) plus 0.5% NP40. Cell lysates were centrifuged at 12,000 X g for 10 min at 40, the supernatants were layered on discontinuous sucrose gradients (0.5 and 2.0 M sucrose in lysis buffer), and the ribosomal ma...