Degradable polymers having a thermally induced shape memory can be fixed in a new, temporary shape after they have been processed into a permanent shape. They have great potential for biomedical applications, especially in the area of minimally invasive surgery. [1] One example is the insertion of a bulky medical device in a compressed temporary shape through a small surgical incision. When the implant is heated above a switching temperature (T trans ), it returns to its application-relevant permanent shape. After a given time the device degrades, and a second surgery for its removal is not necessary. [2,3] Shape-memory polymers generally consist of two components: cross-links determining the permanent shape and switching segments fixing the temporary shape at temperatures below T trans . Cross-linkage can be achieved either by physical interaction (e.g., in thermoplastic polymers) or by chemical bonds (e.g., in thermosets or photosets). In covalently cross-linked shape-memory polymer networks a maximum weight content of switching segments is possible. In constrast, thermoplastic materials must contain a sufficient amount of hard-segment-determining blocks so that a sufficient number of physical cross-links exist at temperatures above T trans . [4] The blocks that determine the switching segment may display T trans as either a melting temperature or a glass transition temperature. In biodegradable shape-memory polymers previously described as thermoplastic multiblockcopolymers [3] or photoset AB polymer networks [2,5] T trans is the melting point of crystallizable oligo(e-caprolactone) segments. Hydrogels with hydrophobic and crystallizable side chains as molecular switches also can show a thermoresponsive one-way shape-memory effect. [6] Based on noncrystallizable switching segments, completely amorphous shape-memory polymer networks having a glass transition temperature as T trans can be designed. These networks are transparent, and they should show a more