IgE-mediated Cannabis (C. sativa, marihuana) allergy seems to be on the rise. Both active and passive exposure to cannabis allergens may trigger a C. sativa sensitization and/or allergy. The clinical presentation of a C. sativa allergy varies from mild to life-threatening reactions and often seems to depend on the route of exposure. In addition, sensitization to cannabis allergens can result in various cross-allergies, mostly for plant foods. This clinical entity, designated as the 'cannabis-fruit/vegetable syndrome', might also imply cross-reactivity with tobacco, natural latex and plant-food-derived alcoholic beverages. Hitherto, these crossallergies are predominantly reported in Europe and appear mainly to rely upon cross-reactivity between nonspecific lipid transfer proteins or thaumatin-like proteins present in C. sativa and their homologues, ubiquitously distributed throughout plant kingdom. At present, diagnosis of cannabis-related allergies predominantly rests upon a thorough history completed with skin testing using native extracts from crushed buds and leaves. However, quantification of specific IgE antibodies and basophil activation tests can also be helpful to establish correct diagnosis. In the absence of a cure, treatment comprises absolute avoidance measures. Whether avoidance of further use will halt the extension of related cross-allergies remains uncertain.Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) is an annual, dioecious and anemophilous flowering plant (order: Rosales, family Cannabaceae) that is native to central and southern Asia and the Caucasian region. Different preparations [dried flowering tops, hashish, hashish oil] are obtained from cannabis varieties containing elevated levels of cannabinoids, especially delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), several of them being more or less potent psychoactive substances. Although, today, cannabis use is still illegal in most countries, it is widespread for its relaxing and euphoric effects. Furthermore, worldwide the illegal status of the drug has gained more and more resistance recently, resulting in legalization of both sale and possession of marijuana in Colorado, Alaska, Oregan and Washington, for example, both for medicinal and recreational use (1). Different European countries are debating the legalization of cannabis as well. While consumption of cannabis has been legal under certain conditions for a while