The molybdenum nitrogenase, present in a diverse group of bacteria and archea, is the major contributor to biological nitrogen fixation. The nitrogenase active site contains an iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) composed of 7Fe, 9S, 1Mo, one unidentified light atom, and homocitrate. The nifQ gene was known to be involved in the incorporation of molybdenum into nitrogenase. Here we show direct biochemical evidence for the role of NifQ in FeMo-co biosynthesis. As-isolated NifQ was found to carry a molybdenum-iron-sulfur cluster that serves as a specific molybdenum donor for FeMo-co biosynthesis. Purified NifQ supported in vitro FeMo-co synthesis in the absence of an additional molybdenum source. The mobilization of molybdenum from NifQ required the simultaneous participation of NifH and NifEN in the in vitro FeMo-co synthesis assay, suggesting that NifQ would be the physiological molybdenum donor to a hypothetical NifEN/NifH complex.nif ͉ iron-sulfur cluster ͉ Azotobacter vinelandii B iological nitrogen fixation performed by microorganisms that have nitrogenase(s) accounts for roughly two-thirds of the nitrogen fixed globally. Most nitrogen fixation is carried out by the activity of molybdenum nitrogenase (1), which is widely distributed in nature (2). The molybdenum-nitrogenase enzyme is composed of two proteins (3): a heterotetrameric NifDKprotein component (a 2  2 dinitrogenase) and a homodimeric NifH-protein component (dinitrogenase reductase). NifDK contains one iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) within the active site of each ␣-subunit (NifD), and one [8Fe-7S] P-cluster at the interface of the ␣-and -subunits in each ␣ pair (4). NifH contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster bridging the two subunits and one site for Mg-ATP binding and hydrolysis in each subunit (5).FeMo-co is a unique cofactor ʈ composed of a [Mo-3Fe-3S] partial cubane bridged to a [4Fe-3S] partial cubane by three sulfur ligands and one unidentified light atom in the center of the cofactor (6). The molybdenum atom is also coordinated to the organic acid homocitrate. The biosynthesis of FeMo-co is a complex process that involves the activities of several nitrogen fixation (nif ) gene products that function as molecular scaffolds, enzymes, or escort proteins that carry FeMo-co precursors between assembly sites in the pathway (7,8). Following assembly, FeMo-co is inserted into apo-NifDK, a P-cluster-containing but FeMo-co-deficient form of NifDK that is matured into functional NifDK simply by FeMo-co insertion, to generate the mature dinitrogenase enzyme that is competent for nitrogen fixation.The NifEN scaffold protein is believed to function in the pathway as a central node to which an [Fe-S]-containing FeMo-co precursor, molybdenum, and homocitrate might converge to complete the assembly of FeMo-co (9-12). In this model, the [Fe-S]-containing FeMo-co precursor, NifB-co**, would be initially assembled by NifB and then transferred to NifEN for its conversion into the [Fe-S] VK-cluster (13,14). Homocitrate would be provided by the homocitrate-synthase ac...