Isospora michaelbakeri is one of the Isospora species most commonly found in the wild field, which can cause severe infection and mortality in young sparrows. In this study, we selected I. michaelbakeri (Chung Hsing strain) as a pathogen to orally inoculate russet sparrows (Passer rutilans), spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata), canary (Serinus canaria), Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora), chicken (Gallus domesticus), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and BALB/c mice. The results indicated that I. michaelbakeri infected only russet sparrows. Infected sparrows displayed lethargy, muscular weakness and fluffy feathers, followed by rapid death. Liver and spleen enlargement was seen in the infected birds. Schizonts were identified in thin smears from the venous blood, enlarged livers and spleens. Histopathological examination revealed schizonts and merozoites from the liver and spleen of infected russet sparrows, but not from other species experimentally inoculated with I. michaelbakeri in the present study.