First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge and thank my brilliant and inspirational supervisors: Professor Justine Nolan, Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith and Professor Bronwen Morgan. Justine, it has been a privilege to be guided by such a leading light in the field. Your broad and deep knowledge of, practical experience in, and passion for, business and human rights has served as a constant source of learning and inspiration. I am also incredibly grateful for your generosity as a mentor, and the way in which you have continuously connected me to people and opportunities for development over the years. Dimity, your mastery of regulatory theory helped me to perceive the challenges presented by this thesis in a new light and on a deeper level. Your incisive comments during the final stretch compelled me to step back and consider the thesis as an interconnected whole. Bronwen, your brilliant theoretical mind, penetrating insights and encouragement at just the right moments have been invaluable. Together, you have been my supervisory dream team.