From these studies, where low doses which did not significantly interfere with cell replication had been used, synthesis of proteins characteristic of the final differentiated state was inhibited. For example, hemoglobin synthesis by chick embryo was inhibited during culture in the presence of BrdU (8, 9).We previously reported that dimethyl sulfoxide [(CH3)2S0 I enhances heme synthesis and erythroid differentiation of Friend leukemia cells in vitro (10) and that inhibition of these effects by BrdU was dependent on its incorporation into DNA (7). Similarly, other investigators have observed inhibition by BrdU of (CH3)2S0-induced stimulation of globin synthesis (11). Since appreciable amounts of globin mRNA were detected in (CH3)2S0-stimulated, but not in control, Friend leukemia cells cultures, it appeared that (CH3)2S0 might act at a transcriptional level (12, 21.)The present studies were designed to determine whether BrdU might also affect transcription of globin mRNA by Friend leukemia cells. We found that a decrease in the amount of globin mRNA accompanied inhibition of (CH3) BrdU-and (CH3)2S0-treated-cells cultured in the presence of both 2% (CH3)2S0 and 3 ,g/ml of BrdU. The cultures in each experiment were seeded simultaneously and maintained in the dark.Preparation of RNA RNA was prepared by a modification of the method of Natta (29). All glassware was treated with 0.1% ethyl oxidiformate (Eastman Kodak Co.) and then autoclaved; all plastic was treated with 2.0% Na dodecyl sulfate. 1 to 2 X 109 cells were suspended in 10 ml of isotonic saline and added by drops to an extraction mixture consisting of 40 ml of water-saturated distilled phenol, 20 ml of buffer R [46 mM NaCl-20 mM sodium acetate-2 mM NaEDTA (pH 5.2) made 2% with Na dodecyl sulfate], and 50 mg of bentonite dry weight, prepared by the method of Fraenkel-Conrat et al. (13). After the mixture was shaken for 30 min at 40, the aqueous and phenol phases were separated by centrifugation at 17,300 X g. 10 ml of phenol was added to the aqueous phase, which was kept on ice while the phenol phase and the interphase were again extracted with 20 ml of buffer R by shaking for 15 min at 4°. The aqueous and phenol phases were again separated by centrifugation. The aqueous phases were combined and extracted with 30 ml of additional phenol by shaking for 20 min at 4°. After centrifugation for 5 min, the phenol phase was discarded. The aqueous phase was centrifuged for 20 min at 30,900 X g and the pellet was discarded. 0.1 Volume of 3 M NaCl and 2 volumes of absolute ethanol were added to the aqueous phase, and the mixture was allowed to stand over-2956 Abbreviations: BrdU, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine; (CH3)2SO, dimethyl sulfoxide; cDNA, complementary DNA. t Present address: