Regenerating fish fins return to their original size and shape regardless of the nature or extent of injury. Prevailing models for this longstanding mystery of appendage regeneration speculate fin cells maintain uncharacterized positional identities that instruct outgrowth after injury. Using 45 zebrafish, we find differential Wnt production correlates with the extent of regeneration across the caudal fin. We identify Dachshund transcription factors as markers of distal blastema cells that produce Wnt and thereby promote a pro-progenitor and -proliferation environment. We show these Dach-expressing "niche cells" derive from mesenchyme populating cylindrical and progressively tapered fin rays. The niche pool, and consequently Wnt, steadily dissipates as 50 regeneration proceeds; once exhausted, ray and fin growth stops. Supported by mathematical modeling, we show longfin t2 zebrafish regenerate exceptionally long fins due to a perdurant niche, representing a "broken countdown timer". We propose regenerated fin size is dictated by the amount of niche formed upon damage, which simply depends on the availability of intra-ray mesenchyme defined by skeletal girth at the injury site. Likewise, the fin reestablishes a tapered 55 ray skeleton because progenitor osteoblast output reflects diminishing niche size. This "transpositional scaling" model contends mesenchyme-niche state transitions and positional information provided by self-restoring skeletal geometry rather than cell memories determine a regenerated fin's size and shape. 60 2
MAIN TEXTRegenerating organs restore their original size and shape after injury. Vertebrate appendage regeneration, including that of teleost fish fins, provides a striking example of this phenomenon. Major fin amputations, tiny resections, and cuts of diverse geometry all produce the same outcome -a restored fin matching the original's form and in scale with the animal's 65 body. Spallanzani, Broussonet, and T. H. Morgan pioneered studies of this longstanding mystery of regeneration in the 18 th and 19 th centuries (Broussonet, 1786;Morgan, 1900). For example, Morgan used oblique caudal fin resections to show that regeneration rates initially correlate with