Viscous flow in a thin film in the immediate vicinity of the interline (junction of solid-liquid-vapor) significantly affects the complete profile of an evaporating meniscus. An analysis based on the premise that fluid flow results from the London-van der Waals dispersion force is used to evaluate this change as a function of heat flux. The useful capillary pressure of the meniscus is significantly reduced as the interline heat flux is increased. The dispersion model predicts measurable changes in the meniscus heat-transfer characteristics which are related to the macroscopic optical properties of the solid and liquid.heat of vaporization, J • kg ~J = curvature, m ~l = thermal conductivity, W • m ~! • K ~l -length of capillary, m = molecular weight, kg • mol ~1 = pressure, N-m ~2 = heat transferred in interline region, W • m ~l = heat flux, W-m~2 = universal gas constant, J • mol ~] • K ~l = radius of capillary, m = solid thickness, m = temperature, K = overall heat-transfer coefficient, W • m ~2 • K ~l = velocity, m-s ~l = molar volume, m 3 • mol ~' = length of interline region, m = distance, m = dimensionless heat-transfer coefficient = interfacial free energy, J • m ~2 = film thickness, m = percent decrease in maximum available capillary pressure and capillary heat sink = dimensionless film thickness = contact angle, deg = kinematic viscosity, m 2 • s ~l = dimensionless film length coordinate Subscripts b = base of meniscus E -evaporating e = effective fg = fluid to vapor tv = liquid-vapor interface NE -nonevaporating 5 = solid t = total o = evaluated at interline v = vapor phase Presented as