Neuropathic pain, a form of chronic pain, is a steadily rising health problem due to health costs and increasing numbers of patients. Neuropathic pain conditions arise upon metabolic disorders, infections, chemotherapeutic treatment, trauma or nerve injury. Especially nerve injury induced neuropathic pain is characterized by spontaneous or ongoing pain due to neuroimmune interactions. Thereby, inflammatory mediators, released by the injured nerve, recruit to and activate immune cells at the site of injury. Those mediators further activate transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1), a known channel involved in pain perception, or bind to G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) in peripheral nerve endings. The following activated second messenger signaling pathways lead to sensitization of TRPV1. One of those GPCRs is G2A. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of G2A in nerve-injury induced neuropathic pain. For this, the common mouse model of nerve-injury induced neuropathic pain, the spared-nerve injury, was used. As measurements with dynamic plantar aesthesiometer showed, G2A-deficiency leads to reduced mechanical hypersensitivity. Upon analysis with FACS, ELISA and Luminex a reduced number of macrophages and neutrophils at the injured nerve, as well as less inflammatory mediators (TNFα, IL-6, VEGF) in G2A-deficient animals was observed. In dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) there was only a reduced number of macrophages and less IL-12 observed in G2A-deficient animals. Additionally, in wild-type mice, G2A agonist 9-HODE was elevated at the injured nerve, as a LC-MS/MS analysis showed. To investigate the underlying pathways of G2A-9-HODE signaling, a proteom screen was performed. This screen revealed upregulation of multiple proteins involved in migration in wild-type macrophages. Additionally, Ca-Imaging and transwell migration assays showed that the G2A antagonist G2A11, had desensitizing effects on DRG neurons and inhibited macrophage migration. Overall, the results suggest that loss of G2A has dual effects. On the one hand loss of G2A is antinociceptive. On the other hand, G2A-deficiency leads to reduced inflammation, suggesting G2A as promising target in treatment of neuropathic pain. Here, an antagonist had inhibitory effects on the migration and the sensitization.