bromine. The molecular weight in acetone is 228. (The compound is insoluble in other solvents; it attacks steel, the soluiton becoming immediately red.) All these facts can be accounted for by formula ( I ) .CHZCO, ,C1 C
(2)CHsCO' \Hg-HgCl Formula (2) would require only one Hg-C stretching vibration and one Hg-Cl vibration at lower wave numbers; for HgzC12 the latter i s at 260, for C6HsHgCl at 331, and forHgC12 at 375 cm-1. Organomercury derivatives with a Hg-Hg bond are not known. Mercury(I1) bromide, cyanide, and acetate do not react with acetylacetone under the above conditions; nor does mercury(1) chloride.