The extended dataset of 56Fe(n,n’γ) cross sections measured by our group more than a decade ago at GELINA (Geel Linear Accelerator) was used in many recent evaluations like ENDF, JEFF and CIELO. Despite the special measures we took to ensure reliability and accuracy, concerns were raised by various groups with regard to several features of this dataset (absolute normalization and/or shape) and therefore the 56Fe(n,inl) cross section is still under the evaluation by the International Nuclear Data Evaluation Network (INDEN). Consequently, a new experiment is now under preparation aiming to take advantage of the numerous experimental improvements of the GAINS (Gamma Array for Inelastic Neutron Scattering) setup implemented over the years. While γ spectroscopy combined with the time-of-flight method will remain the main technique involved, several other experimental details will differ substantially.