Modern and contemporary literature in colleges and universities is a deeply learned and traditional humanities subject, and the development of Internet technology has a different impact on the form of teaching literature. This paper combines the MOOC platform for information technology with the teaching of modern and contemporary literature and establishes a blended teaching mode for both modern and contemporary literature. Aiming at the problem of personalized recommendation of literature teaching resources in blended teaching, this paper introduces the singular value decomposition to improve the collaborative filtering algorithm in order to meet the students’ efficient learning needs of current and contemporary literature. After the teaching experiment of the blended teaching mode of current and modern literature for the students of the class of 2021 in the sample universities, the reading breadth score of the students in the experimental group in current and contemporary literature reaches 3.72±0.61. The reading ability of the two groups of students shows a significant difference at the 1% level. Furthermore, students in the experimental group were 0.3 points more motivated to learn modern and contemporary literature than those in the control group. The integration of current and modern literature teaching with information technology can promote students’ learning interests and improve the quality of current and contemporary literature teaching.