Feynman's path integrals in ordinary, p-adic and adelic quantum mechanics are considered. The corresponding probability amplitudes K(x ′′ , t ′′ ; x ′ , t ′ ) for two-dimensional systems with quadratic Lagrangians are evaluated analytically and obtained expressions are generalized to any finite-dimensional spaces. These general formulas are presented in the form which is invariant under interchange of the number fields R ↔ Q p and Q p ↔ Q p ′ , p = p ′ . According to this invariance we have that adelic path integral is a fundamental object in mathematical physics of quantum phenomena. * Email address: dragovich@ipb.ac.rs † Email address: zrakic@matf.bg.ac.rs the classical Lagrangian. In the 1940's, Feynman developed Dirac's approach and shown that dynamical evolution of the wave function Ψ(x, t) iswhereandis the action for a path q(t) connecting points x ′ and x ′′ . The integral in (4) is known as the Feynman path integral. In the Feynman definition [1], discretizing the time t into equidistant subintervals, the path integral (4) is the limit of the corresponding multiple integral of N variables q i = q(t i ), (i = 1, 2, ..., N ), when N → ∞. It is the primary object of the Feynman's path integral approach to quantum mechanics which is related to the classical Lagrangian formalism. Feynman's, Schrödinger's and Heisenberg's approaches to ordinary quantum mechanics are equivalent, but their formalisms are not equally suitable in some generalizations.K(x ′′ , t ′′ ; x ′ , t ′ ) is the kernel of the corresponding unitary integral operator U (t ′′ , t ′ ) acting as follows:K(x ′′ , t ′′ ; x ′ , t ′ ) is also called the probability amplitude for a quantum particle to pass from a point x ′ at the time t ′ to the other point x ′′ at t ′′ . It is closely related to Green's function and the quantum-mechanical propagator. Starting from (3) one can easily derive the following three general properties:where integration is over all the configuration space. For all its history, the path integral has been a subject of great interest in theoretical and mathematical physics. It has became, not only in quantum mechanics (see, e.g. [2]) but also in the entire quantum theory, one of its the most profound and suitable approaches to foundations and elaborations. Feynman's path integral construction is also a natural and very successful instrument in formulation and investigation of p-adic [3] and adelic [4,5] quantum mechanics. Moreover there are no p-adic analogs of the differential equations (1) and (2).Adelic quantum mechanics contains complex-valued functions of real and all p-adic arguments in the adelic form. There is not the corresponding Schrödinger equation for p-adic dynamics, but Feynman's path integral method is quite appropriate. Feynman's path integral for probability amplitude in p-adic quantum mechanics K p (x ′′ , t ′′ ; x ′ , t ′ ) [3], where K p is complexvalued and x ′′ , x ′ , t ′′ , t ′ are p-adic variables, is a direct p-adic generalization of (4), i.e.