“…Leontopithecus 142 Brazil 142 NP 142 PI 142 , cytology 142 BC: bacterial culture, CISH: chromogenic in situ hybridization, DIF: direct immunofluorescence test, DPI: direct parasitological identification, EIA: enzyme immunoassay, FC: fungal culture, FPE: fecal parasitological examination, HC: hemoculture, HI: hemagglutination inhibition, HP: histopathology stained by hematoxylin and eosin, IFA: indirect immunofluorescence assay, IHC: immunohistochemistry, MIT: mouse inoculation test, MNT: mouse neutralization test, N: necropsy, ND: not described, NP: not performed, NHF: nonspecific histopathological findings, PI: parasite isolation, PRNT: plaque reduction neutralization test, RFFIT: rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test, TEM: transmission electron microscopy, VI: viral isolation. 6 Bacteria Among all the infectious diseases, the ones caused by bacteria are the most commonly reported in free-ranging NWP (55), and it is often associated with history of trauma, which is an important predisposing factor or a consequence of it (55,195).…”