“…The first one is the most studied, with 14 known species (Trager, ) parasitizing ants of the genus Formica and with several phylogenetic studies supporting Emery's rule in its loose version (e.g., Chen, Zhou, Ye, & Lu, ; Hasegawa, Tinaut, & Ruano, ; Muñoz‐López et al., ; Ward et al., ). In contrast, Rossomyrmex consists of only four species, which parasitize species of the ant genus Proformica (Ruano, Sanllorente, Lenoir, & Tinaut, ): P. epinotalis Kuznetsov‐Ugamsky, 1927 parasitized by R. proformicarum Arnoldi, 1928 in the North shore of the Caspian Sea (Russia); P. cf epinotalis and R. quandratinodum Xia and Zheng, 1995 are found between China and Kazakhstan; P. korbi Emery, 1909 and R. anatolicus Tinaut, in the plains of Anatolia (Turkey); and P. longiseta Collingwood, 1978, with a patchy distribution in high mountains of southeastern Spain parasitized in three of them by R. minuchae Tinaut, . In addition, it has been recently found that P. nasuta Nylander, 1856 can be parasitized by R. minuchae (Azcárate et al., ).…”