The latest molecular phylogenetic studies of multi-locus genes analyses demonstrating the genus Russula containing nine subgenera (Buyck et al., 2018(Buyck et al., , 2020(Buyck et al., , 2023 and Russula sect. Ingratae (Quél.) Maire was placed in subg. Heterophyllidia.The section Ingratae is mainly characterised by a pileus with pale yellowish brown, yellowish brown, greyish brown to dark brown tints, a margin with tuberculate striation, lamellae equal or occasionally mixed with lamellulae or forked, taste mild to acrid, odour often fetid, spores print white to pale ochre, basidiospores inamyloid to partly amyloid in suprahilar spot, short-celled and branched hyphal terminations in the pileipellis (Singer, 1986;Romagnesi, 1987;Sarnari, 1998). As a nonnegligible member of sub-gen. Heterophyllidiae, species diversity of sect. Ingratae is high. So far, more than 60 species were accepted worldwide (