Fractionation of Papaier bracteatum Arya II Lindl. latex on Renografin step gradients revealed that 43% of the dopamine was compartmentalized along with a-mannosidase (40%) in vacuoles sedimenting in the 2% fraction. Twenty-two percent of the dopamine was in the supernatant, but a corresponding amount (18%) of a-mannosidase was also present suggesting vacuole breakage during isolation. By subcellular fractionation of protoplasts from cultured P. bracteatum cells, the 1,000g sedimenting organelles have been identified as the major site of accumulation of the morphinan alkaloid, thebaine (99±@0.8%), and the benzophenanthridine alkaloid, sanguinarine (963%). Although the 1,000g pellet also contained 33±4% of the total alkaloid precursor, dopamine, and half of the total vacuolar marker enzyme, a-mannosidase, 62±10% of the amine was localized in the 100,000g supernatant. A differential distribution of the alkaloids was discovered upon resolution of the lysed protoplasts on Renografin step gradients. Over 40% of the dopamine was in the supernatant with 15% in a 2% Renografin band. The remainder was evenly distributed in denser fractions of the gradient. The 4 to 8% interface, previously found to contain the largest amount of thebaine and small amounts of sanguinarine and dopamine, has been shown to be enriched in vacuoles by electron microscopy. Using a histofluorescence method, dopamine compartmentation in vacuoles of intact cultured cells was corroborated. In summary, dopamine, sanguinarine, and thebaine occur in vacuoles of different densities. A large fraction of the total dopamine in cultured cells was found in the 100,000g supernatant along with 37% of the a-mannosidase suggesting that the amine may be sequestered in more fragile vacuoles than the alkaloids. The possibility that some dopamine may be cytosolic cannot be ruled out.The catecholamine, dopamine (2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-ethylamine), is a central intermediate in the biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids in higher plants (18,19). It gives rise to both simple and l-benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines that are ultimately transformed into a broad spectrum of alkaloids. Recently, we discovered large amounts of dopamine (>1 mg/ml) in latex of Papaver bracteatum and P. somniferum (14). Furthermore, a small fraction of this dopamine (0.1 %) was localized in vacuoles of the same apparent density as those that sequester the morphinan alkaloids, thebaine, and morphine, in latex. This population of vacuoles was capable of alkaloid and dopamine transport by apparently independent mechanisms (6, 7). been well documented (10 and references cited therein). Whether the remainder of the endogenous dopamine was present in the cytosol, other organelles, or in larger and/or more fragile vacuoles was not resolved because of our inability to account for all of the original dopamine after lengthy differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugations.Analysis of P. bracteatum tissue cultures revealed large amounts of dopamine (up to 16% dry weight of the tissue) providi...