Magnetic fields play a key role in most astrophysical systems, from the Sun to active galactic nuclei 1,2,3 . They can be studied through their effects on atomic energy levels, which produce polarized spectral lines 4,5 .In particular, anisotropic radiation pumping processes 6,7 (which send electrons to higher atomic levels) induce population imbalances that are modified by weak magnetic fields 8,9 . Here we report peculiarly polarized light in the He i 10,830-Å multiplet observed in a coronal filament located at the centre of the solar disk. We show that the polarized light arises from selective absorption from the ground level of the triplet system of helium, and that it implies the presence of magnetic fields of the order of a few gauss that are highly inclined with respect to the solar radius vector. This disproves the common belief 4,10,11 that population imbalances in long-lived atomic levels are insignificant in the presence of inclined fields with strengths in the gauss range, and demonstrates the operation of the ground-level Hanle effect in an astrophysical plasma.The Zeeman effect and optical pumping are two mechanisms capable of inducing polarization signals in the spectral lines that originate in the outer layers of stellar atmospheres.The Zeeman effect 12 requires the presence of a magnetic field, which causes the atomic energy levels to split into different magnetic sublevels. This splitting produces local sources and sinks of light polarization because of the ensuing wavelength shifts of transitions between levels. The Zeeman effect is most sensitive in circular polarization, with a magnitude that scales with the ratio between the Zeeman splitting and the width of the spectral line (which is very much larger than the natural width of the atomic levels). This so-called longitudinal Zeeman effect responds to the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field. In contrast, the transverse Zeeman effect responds to the component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the line of sight, but produces linear polarization signals that are normally negligible for magnetic strengths B < 100 gauss.Anisotropic radiation pumping 6,7 produces atomic level polarization-that is, population imbalances and quantum interferences between the sublevels of degenerate atomic levels (Fig. 1). The presence of a magnetic field is not necessary for the operation of such optical pumping processes, which can be particularly efficient in creating atomic polarization if the depolarizing rates from elastic collisions are sufficiently low. As clarified below, the mere presence of atomic polarization of the type illustrated in Fig. 1 implies local sources and sinks of linear polarization. The Hanle effect 8,9 (Fig. 1) modifies the atomic polarization of the unmagnetized reference case, and gives rise to a complicated magnetic field dependence of the linear polarization of the scattered light, which is being increasingly applied as a diagnostic tool for weak magnetic fields in astrophysics.It is often assumed that the observable eff...