Bone samples from several vertebrates were collected from the Ziegler Reservoir fossil site, in Snowmass Village, Colorado, and processed for proteomics analysis. The specimens come from Pleistocene megafauna Bison latifrons, dating back ϳ120,000 years. Proteomics analysis using a simplified sample preparation procedure and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was applied to obtain protein identifications. Several bioinformatics resources were used to obtain peptide identifications based on sequence homology to extant species with annotated genomes. With the exception of soil sample controls, all samples resulted in confident peptide identifications that mapped to type I collagen. In addition, we analyzed a specimen from the extinct B. latifrons that yielded peptide identifications mapping to over 33 bovine proteins. Our analysis resulted in extensive fibrillar collagen sequence coverage, including the identification of posttranslational modifications. Hydroxylysine glucosylgalactosylation, a modification thought to be involved in collagen fiber formation and bone mineralization, was identified for the first time in an ancient protein dataset. Meta-analysis of data from other studies indicates that this modification may be common in well-preserved prehistoric samples. Additional peptide sequences from extracellular matrix (ECM) and non-ECM proteins have also been identified for the first time in ancient tissue samples. These data provide a framework for analyzing ancient protein signatures in wellpreserved fossil specimens, while also contributing novel insights into the molecular basis of organic matter preservation. As such, this analysis has unearthed common posttranslational modifications of collagen that may assist in its preservation over time. During the last decade, paleontology and taphonomy (the study of decaying organisms over time and the fossilization processes) have begun to overlap with the field of proteomics to shed new light on preserved organic matter in fossilized bones (1-4). These bones represent a time capsule of ancient biomolecules, owing to their natural resistance to post mortem decay arising from a unique combination of mechanical, structural, and chemical properties (4 -7).Although bones can be cursorily described as a composite of collagen (protein) and hydroxyapatite (mineral), fossilized bones undergo three distinct diagenesis pathways: (i) chemical deterioration of the organic phase; (ii) chemical deterioration of the mineral phase; and (iii) (micro)biological attack of the composite (6). In addition, the rate of these degradation pathways are affected by temperature, as higher burial temperatures have been shown to accelerate these processes (6,8). Though relatively unusual, the first of these three pathways results in a slower deterioration process, which is more generally mitigated under (6) specific environmental constraints, such as geochemical stability (stable temperature and acidity) that promote bone mineral preservation. Importantly, slower deterioration results in more pre...