The Witch is a typical stereotype-busting character because its description has changed many times in a long history. This paper is an attempt to understand the visual interpretations and character positioning ofthe Watch by many creators in different eras, AI is being used to help summarize current stereotypes in witch design, and to propose a way to subvert the Witch stereotype in current popular culture. This studyaims to understand the visual interpretations of witches and character positioning by many creators indifferent eras, and to subvert the stereotype of witches in current popular culture. This study provides material for future research on character design stereotypes, and an attempt is proposed to use artificialintelligence to break the stereotypes in design and is being documented as an experiment in how to subvertcurrent stereotypes from various periods in history. The method begins by using AI to compile stereotypical images of contemporary witches. Then, the two major components of the stereotype, "accessories" andappearance," are analyzed from historical and social perspectives and attributed to the reasons for theformation and transformation of the Witch image. These past stereotypes are designed using the design approach of "extraction" "retention" and "conversion.", and finally the advantages and disadvantages ofthis approach are summarized from a practical perspective. Research has shown that it is feasible to use AIto summarize the design elements and use them as clues to trace history. This is especially true forcharacters such as the Witch, who have undergone many historical transitions. The more changes thereare, themore elements can be gathered, and the advantage of this method increases. Stereotypes changeover time, and even when the current stereotype has become history, this method is still effective for newlycreated stereotypes.