The inner ear, the sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance, contains specialized sensory and non-sensory epithelia arranged in a highly complex three-dimensional structure. To achieve this level of complexity, a tight coordination between morphogenesis and cell fate specification is essential during otic development. Tissues surrounding the otic primordium and more particularly the adjacent segmented hindbrain, have been implicated in conferring signals required for inner ear development. In this review, we present the current view on the role of hindbrain signals in axial specification of the inner ear. The functional analysis of mutants of hindbrain segmentation genes, as well as the investigation of signaling pathways potentially involved, all point to an essential role of FGF, Wnt and Hh signaling in otic regionalization. However, these data provide conflicting evidence regarding the involvement of hindbrain signals in otic regionalization in fish and in amniotes. We discuss the possible origin of these differences.
KEY WORDS: hindbrain, patterning, otic regionalization, FGF signaling
Basic structure of the adult inner earThe vertebrate inner ear is a sensory organ responsible for the senses of hearing, balance and detection of acceleration. It consists of a closed epithelial structure, the membranous labyrinth, composed of several sensory and non-sensory structures and surrounded by a bony capsule. The mechanosensory function of the inner ear is provided by the hair cells, which, along with supporting and secretory cells, are contained in the sensory epithelia. Hair cells are innervated by sensory neurons of the vestibular and acoustic ganglia that project to the vestibular and auditory nuclei in the brainstem.The membranous labyrinth is subdivided into vestibular and auditory regions. The vestibule forms the dorsal part of the labyrinth and is responsible for the senses of motion and position. It comprises the three cristae, the sensory organs located at the basis of three orthogonally arranged semi-circular canals and the utricle and saccule, which contain two additional sensory organs, the maculae. The ventral auditory part is more diverse. In mammals it is composed of the cochlea, a coiled structure whose sensory epithelium is called the organ of Corti. In birds, the auditory region is composed of the basilar papilla, while in fish the saccule and lagena are both involved in hearing (Figure 1). In jawed vertebrates, the adult inner ear is highly regionalised along its three axes. In addition to the dorso-ventral (DV) subdivision Int. J. Dev. Biol. 51: 495-506 (2007) doi: 10.1387/ijdb.072345ss into vestibular and auditory regions, an asymmetry along the medio-lateral (ML) axis is also obvious with, for instance, the endolymphatic sac and duct located in the medial part, close to the brain. The whole structure also shows pronounced anteroposterior (AP) asymmetry (Figure 1).How are these asymmetries established during ear development? What are the signals involved in establishing thes...