Maltodextrin phosphorylase from Escherichia coli (MalP) is a dimeric protein in which each $ 90-kDa subunit contains activesite pyridoxal 5h-phosphate. To unravel factors contributing to the stability of MalP, thermal denaturations of wild-type MalP and a thermostable active-site mutant (Asn-133 Ala) were compared by monitoring enzyme activity, cofactor dissociation, secondary structure content and aggregation. Small structural transitions of MalP are shown by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy to take place at $ 45 mC. They are manifested by slight increases in unordered structure and "H\#H exchange, and reflect reversible inactivation of MalP. Aggregation of the MalP dimer is triggered by these conformational changes and starts at $ 45 mC without prior release into solution of pyridoxal 5h-phosphate. It is driven by electrostatic rather than hydrophobic interactions between MalP dimers, and leads to irreversible inactivation of the enzyme. Aggregation is inhibited efficiently and specifically by oxyanions such as phosphate, and AMP