The elongation rate of wheat coleoptiles, treated with IAA and ABA, was already affected during the first 8 hr of culture. The most sensitive zone of the material-for hormonal treatments-WM first localized and then comparatively cultured both in situ and in vitro. Growth stimulation by IAA was nearly proportional to its concentration up to 10~* M, while ABA always induced an significant inhibition.The inhibitory effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on growth is now clearly established (see 15), and its interactions with indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) have been studied using several parameters (21,22,25).It was of interest to analyse the growth pattern of intact coleoptiles treated with IAA and ABA and to compare the results obtained with those given by a usual coleoptile segment test (14, 24).
Material and methodsCaryopses of Triticum vulgare L., cv. Probus were soaked in water for 2 hr, carefully washed and sown on moist filter paper, as previously described (7). After 72 hr (dark; 25± 1°C), only seedlings with 20^1 rnm coleoptiles were selected.In situ experiments: The surface of the coleoptiles was carefully marked into 1 mm segments with India ink, and 20 intact seedlings were placed in Petri dishes on moist filter paper for 4 hr. Then, after careful washing, they were transferred (zero time) onto active solutions (still on filter paper).In vitro experiments: According to a usual technique (17, 19), coleoptile segments of 5 mm in length were excised at 5 mm from the tip. After 4 hr incubation in water (zero time), they were immersed in active solutions.Active solutions: Phosphate-citrate buffer solutions at pH 5.4 (17) containing 2% sucrose were used with or without IAA or ABA at several concentrations.All active solutions and materials (Petri dishes, filters, etc.,) employed were previously sterilized. All manipulations were conducted under dim green light.Changes of elongation were analyzed using a photographic technique (26). Each result thus represents the mean response of at least 60 measurements. Standard errors of this mean have been calculated and significant differences assessed by the <-test.Abbreviations: IAA, indolyl-3-acetic acid; ABA, abscisic acid.