The properties of the triplet of low-lying states in l~ have been studied through spectroscopy of the y radiation following thermal neutron capture in ~~176 and fldecay of ~~ and through a measurement of the proton angular distributions in the ~~176 reaction with 14 MeV deuteron energy. The half-lives of the 13.5 keV state and the 57.0 keV 5/2 + state have been measured as 226 (7) and 133(7)ns, respectively. These values and the quadrupole/dipole mixing ratios of the 13.5 keV and 43.5 keV transitions yield spin and parity 3/2 + for the 13.5 keV level. The E2 components in the 13.5 (3/2 + ~1/2 +) and 43.5keV (5/2+--+3/2 +) transitions are "( 8.10 -4 and 54(9)%, respectively. The possibility of an additional state near to the 57.0 keV level is discussed. IBFM/PTQM calculations, taking into consideration the transitional character of the l~176 boson core, account for the electromagnetic-transition and transfer-reaction pattern of the triplet of states.