[1] The accumulation rate of snow is crucial to the development of accurate age-depth models for ice-cores. The dating of the Vostok ice-core assumes that accumulation rates generally vary linearly between the core site and the ice divide 250 km to the west [Jouzel et al., 1996;Lorius et al., 1985;Petit et al., 1999], an assumption which impacts the timing of prominent climatic transitions. We present evidence for a local accumulation rate anomaly at the ice surface above the western shoreline of Lake Vostok. A significant thickening between isochronous layers results from this geographically fixed high accumulation zone which can be stratigraphically traced to a depth of 820 -1100 m in the Vostok ice-core, a portion known for its high accumulation rates and paleoclimate records that deviate from other Antarctic ice-core records. This non-climatic accumulation anomaly in the Vostok ice-core impacts the flow dependent age models and subsequent interpretations of sequencing of global climate shifts during the last glacial. Additional unrecognized accumulation anomalies are likely present at other depths in this and other cores. These previously unreported geographically fixed accumulation rate anomalies are introduced into ice-cores drilled away from ice domes (e.g., Byrd and Vostok) and should be considered in age depth models.[2] The Vostok ice-core, well known for its paleoclimate record [Petit et al., 1999], was drilled over Lake Vostok, a large subglacial lake located in central East Antarctica [Kapitsa et al., 1996] (Figure 1). Ice-penetrating radar profiles collected over Lake Vostok on a regular grid (spaced 7.5 km by 11.25-22.5 km) contain bright continuous internal reflectors to depths of 3 km below the ice surface [Bell et al., 2002;Studinger et al., 2003]. These internal reflectors (Figure 2a) are isochronous layers that formed at the surface and have been advected to their current depths by ice flow while new snow accumulates at the surface [Paren and Robin, 1975;Robin, 1983]. We traced these layers to the Vostok core site [Siegert et al., 1998] and inferred their ages from the Vostok age-depth model [Petit et al., 1999]. As the ice flows over the lake, the layers sag 100-400 m at the lake edge. Downstream, the younger layers (Figure 2a) gradually slope upwards to the east where a distinct hinge point or change in slope marks their return to their original elevation. Deeper isochrons parallel the lake surface and do not follow this pattern, thus we believe it is a function of surface accumulation rather than freeze-on at the bed. At increased depths, these hinge points are found at increased distances from the shoreline (Figure 2a (middle)). [Studinger et al., 2003]. Contour interval is 5 m. The solid white line marks the grounding line between the flat, featureless ice over the lake and the rough ice surface over the grounded ice sheet. The ice flow over the lake is primarily from west to east, with a southward component over the southern end of the lake. The slope of the grounded ice surface is rel...