Abstract. Atmospheric warming is intensifying glacier melting and
glacial-lake development in High Mountain Asia (HMA), and this could
increase glacial-lake outburst flood (GLOF) hazards and impact water
resources and hydroelectric-power management. There is therefore a pressing
need to obtain comprehensive knowledge of the distribution and area of
glacial lakes and also to quantify the variability in their sizes and types
at high resolution in HMA. In this work, we developed an HMA glacial-lake
inventory (Hi-MAG) database to characterize the annual coverage of glacial
lakes from 2008 to 2017 at 30 m resolution using Landsat satellite imagery.
Our data show that glacial lakes exhibited a total area increase of
90.14 km2 in the period 2008–2017, a +6.90 % change relative to
2008 (1305.59±213.99 km2). The annual increases in the number
and area of lakes were 306 and 12 km2, respectively, and the greatest
increase in the number of lakes occurred at 5400 m elevation, which
increased by 249. Proglacial-lake-dominated areas, such as the
Nyainqêntanglha and central Himalaya, where more than half of the
glacial-lake area (summed over a 1∘ × 1∘
grid) consisted of proglacial lakes, showed obvious lake-area expansion.
Conversely, some regions of eastern Tibetan mountains and Hengduan Shan,
where unconnected glacial lakes occupied over half of the total lake area in
each grid, exhibited stability or a slight reduction in lake area. Our
results demonstrate that proglacial lakes are a main contributor to recent
lake evolution in HMA, accounting for 62.87 % (56.67 km2) of the
total area increase. Proglacial lakes in the Himalaya ranges alone accounted
for 36.27 % (32.70 km2) of the total area increase. Regional
geographic variability in debris cover, together with trends in warming and
precipitation over the past few decades, largely explains the current
distribution of supraglacial- and proglacial-lake area across HMA. The Hi-MAG
database is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4275164
(Chen et al., 2020), and it can be used for studies of the complex interactions between glaciers, climate and glacial lakes, studies of GLOFs, and water resources.