Using molecular dynamics simulations, with a realistic many-body embedded-atom potential, and a novel method to characterize local order, we study the structure of pure nickel during the rapid quench of the liquid and in the resulting glass. In contrast with previous simulations with pair potentials, we find more crystalline order and fewer icosahedra for slower quenching rates, resulting in a glass less stable against crystallization. It is shown that there is not a specific amorphous structure, only the arrest of the transition from liquid to crystal, resulting in small crystalline clusters immersed in an amorphous matrix with the same structure of the liquid.PACS numbers: 61.43. Fs, 61.43.Bn, 81.40.Ef The detailed knowledge of the atomic structure is essential to understand the special properties of amorphous materials. There seems to be general agreement in that the basic process underlying the glass transition is the arrest of structural relaxations [1], but it is not clear to what extent this leads to new structural units. Very different structural models have been proposed [2], and some of them assume that the glass structure is essentially different from those of the liquid and the crystal. For close-packed systems, the icosahedron has been largely proposed as a characteristic configuration, which becomes predominant during liquid quenching. Another example is the polycluster model [3], in which the amorphization proceeds by the nucleation and growth of amorphous clusters within the liquid.However, like in liquids and defective solids, the lack of atomic periodicity makes the experimental determination of the structure a largely unsolved problem. Therefore, molecular dynamics simulations offer an invaluable complementary tool, although the simulated times are generally much shorter than the experimental quenches. A common strategy is to study model systems with simple interactions, hoping that they will describe qualitatively the properties of real glasses. Thus, systems simulated with pair potentials show an increase of icosahedra during liquid cooling [4][5][6][7]. However, the structural properties depend strongly on the type of interatomic potential used [8], and some simulations indicate that the formation of icosahedra decreases when many-body effects or nonadditivity are included [9]. Therefore, it is questionable to what extent these results can be extrapolated to real glasses.An alternate strategy is to focus on systems, like pure metals, whose natural relaxation times are so short that they can be actually simulated in the limit between glass formation and crystallization. Within this approach we show in this work that, in the case of a pure metal, there is no specific amorphous structure different from that of the liquid and the crystal, but only the arrest of the transition from one to the other. We also study the stability of the glass and, in contrast with recent works [4,10], show that it is more stable when quenched faster.Although the experimental quenching rates required to form thei...