“…From bottom to top the greenstone belts sequence can be summarized as (a) basal metakomatiite; (b) metabasalts with local pillow structures and; (c) metasedimentary sequence with carbonaceous phyllite, metagraywacke, schist, metachert and gondites. Magmatism coeval with Paleoproterozoic basin formation is evidenced by 2.17 Ga mafic dikes cutting Crixás metagraywacke (Jost and Scandolara, 2010), ∼2.14 Ga metafelsic rock in the Pillar greenstone belt (Queiroz et al, 1999) and the ∼2.16 Ga Posselândia diorite east of the Hidrolina Complex (Jost et al, 1993). A provenance study of the Crixás and Guarinos greenstone belts upper metasedimentary rocks by Jost et al ( , 2012 provided a Paleoproterozoic sedimentation age of ∼2.15 Ga. Mixed mafic and felsic source contributions with Eu anomalies were determined by whole-rock geochemistry (Jost et al, 1996).…”