This Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 annual summary report (ASR) documents the continued adequacy of the performance assessment (PA), the composite analysis (CA) a and associated operating disposalauthorization statement (ODAS) technical-basis documents for the Remote-Handled (RH) Low-Level Waste (LLW) Disposal Facility at Idaho National Laboratory. Annual review of the adequacy of the PA and CA for the Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste (RHLLW) Disposal Facility ensures that conclusions of the analyses remain valid in accordance with requirements of Department of Energy (DOE) Order 435.1, "Radioactive Waste Management."In FY 2023, no significant operational changes or other activities occurred that would cause deviation from the assumptions in the PA and CA pertaining to disposal geometry, verification of waste characteristics, tracking disposal inventories against total limits, facility-closure design, or institutional controls. Eleven waste canister shipments were received at the RHLLW Disposal Facility, and ten waste canisters were emplaced in disposal vaults.Except for an update to the waste acceptance criteria (WAC) document (PLN-5446, "Waste Acceptance Criteria for the Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility"), there were no updates to the PA, CA, ODAS, radioactive-waste-management basis (RWMB) or other technical-basis documents in FY 2023. The update of PLN-5446 is discussed in Section 2.9.2. (See also Table 2. Unreviewed disposal question screens and evaluations performed during FY 2023.) Current revisions of the documents as of FY 2023 are as follows: