Hochster established the existence of a commutative noetherian ring R and a universal resolution U of the form 0 → R e → R f → R g → 0 such that for any commutative noetherian ring S and any resolution V equal to 0 → S e → S f → S g → 0, there exists a unique ring homomorphism R → S with V = U ⊗ R S. In the present paper we assume that f = e + g and we find a resolution F of R by free P-modules, where P is a polynomial ring over the ring of integers. The resolution F is not minimal; but it is straightforward, coordinate free, and independent of characteristic. Furthermore, one can use F to calculate Tor P • (R, Z). If e and g both are at least 5, then Tor P • (R, Z) is not a free abelian group; and therefore, the graded Betti numbers in the minimal resolution of K K K ⊗ Z R by free K K K ⊗ Z P-modules depend on the characteristic of the field K K K. We record the modules in the minimal K K K ⊗ Z P resolution of K K K ⊗ Z R in terms of the modules which appear when one resolves divisors over the determinantal ring defined by the 2 × 2 minors of an e × g matrix.