Hair cells, the mechanosensory receptors of the inner ear, underlie the senses of hearing and balance. Adult mammals cannot adequately replenish lost hair cells, whose loss often results in deafness or balance disorders. To determine the molecular basis of this deficiency, we investigated the development of a murine vestibular organ, the utricle. Here we show that two members of the SoxC family of transcription factors, Sox4 and Sox11, are down-regulated after the epoch of hair cell development. Conditional ablation of SoxC genes in vivo results in stunted sensory organs of the inner ear and loss of hair cells. Enhanced expression of SoxC genes in vitro conversely restores supporting cell proliferation and the production of new hair cells in adult sensory epithelia. These results imply that SoxC genes govern hair cell production and thus advance these genes as targets for the restoration of hearing and balance.auditory system | cochlea | hair cell | utricle | vestibular system U nlike mammals, nonmammalian vertebrates can regenerate hair cells effectively throughout life and thus recover from hearing and balance deficits (1). The discovery of the ear's regenerative potential in avian species (2-4) initiated a wave of studies directed toward understanding the molecular basis of hair cell regeneration and the deficiency of this process in mammals. Two distinct mechanisms of regeneration have emerged (5). The first involves the production of hair cells by the transdifferentiation of supporting cells, which are the epithelial cells that separate and provide metabolic support for hair cells (6-8). A rudimentary form of this process occurs in mammals (9, 10). A limitation of this pathway, however, is that transdifferentiation depletes the population of supporting cells and thereby interferes with the ability of sensory organs to function properly (11). The second mode of regeneration involves supporting cell proliferation, which restores both hair cells and supporting cells. Prevalent in the auditory sensory epithelia of nonmammalian species, this mechanism allows functional recovery (5). The corresponding mechanism is absent in mammals, however, and little is known about the molecular events involved (12, 13).In the sensory epithelia of the mammalian inner ear, the ability to restore hair cells after trauma declines late in development, largely as a result of the diminished proliferative capacity of supporting cells (10). Reasoning that this transition should be reflected by differences in the expression of genes involved in proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration, we investigated the genes expressed late in the development of the murine utricle. With a simple architecture and just under 4,000 hair cells in an adult animal (14), the sensory epithelium of the utricle-the macularepresents a useful model system. Although gene expression has been characterized in early otic development (15, 16) and in the neonatal organ of Corti (17,18), corresponding data are lacking for the developing utricle.