Cholera, a debilitating enteric disease of humans, is characterized by massive diarrhea that is frequently lethal when untreated. Typically arising from ingestion of contaminated drinking water, the disease is caused by toxigenic strains of the gram-negative bacterium Vibrio cholerae through their colonization of the small intestine and production of cholera toxin (CT), an enterotoxin (5, 15). The bacterium occurs in coastal, bay, and estuarine waters and in association with aquatic plankton as an autochthonous member of aquatic microbial communities. Along with other environmental factors, salinity is thought to govern the distribution of V. cholerae in aquatic environments and consequently might play a key role in the incidence and seasonal occurrence of the disease (2, 3, 7-11, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 34). Understanding how the bacterium adapts to changes in salinity in its transitions between aquatic habitats, sources of drinking water, and the human intestine may therefore provide critical insight into the interrelated issues of the environmental dynamics of the bacterium and its pathogenic interactions with humans. In this issue, Shikuma and Yildiz (29) report a transcript profiling approach leading to identification of V. cholerae genes differentially regulated by salinity (osmolarity). Their identification and analysis of salinityresponsive genes, and in particular the identification of a new osmolarity-responsive regulator, OscR, open up new territory on how V. cholerae copes with and responds adaptively to changes in salinity during its transitions between the environment and the human intestine.Salinity and cholera. Cholera is endemic in coastal, estuarine, and riverine waters of Bangladesh and India. In these locations, the disease undergoes pronounced seasonal cycles, with two peaks per year, one in the dry season and one following the monsoon rains. The cycles appear to correlate with sea surface temperature, rainfall, and other climate variables that could influence the abundance of the bacterium and its transmission from environmental reservoirs (4,12,13,22,23,27). During the dry season, incursion of seawater due to low river flow might transport the bacterium inland from coastal habitats and salinities in sources of drinking water presumably increase to levels that would support the survival and reproduction of V. cholerae (16,17). During monsoons, flood conditions could then lead to widespread dissemination of the bacterium into freshwater habitats (13). The distribution of V. cholerae in aquatic habitats correlates with salinity, and although it reproduces more rapidly at moderate salinities, similar to those of coastal seawater, V. cholerae survives and can reproduce at the very low salinities associated with some freshwater sources (9,14,16,17,21,33). This ability might play a key role in the incidence of cholera in areas where the disease is endemic by allowing V. cholerae, atypically among many Vibrio species, to persist in sources of drinking water and thereby to come into contact wit...