Current questions in protein folding mechanisms include how fast can a protein fold and are there energy barriers for the folding and unfolding of ultrafast folding proteins? The small 3-helical engrailed homeodomain protein folds in 1.7 μs to form a wellcharacterized intermediate, which rearranges in 17 μs to native structure. We found that the homologous pituitary-specific transcription factor homeodomain (Pit1) folded in a similar manner, but in two better separated kinetic phases of 2.3 and 46 μs. The greater separation and better fluorescence changes facilitated a detailed kinetic analysis for the ultrafast phase for formation of the intermediate. Its folding rate constant changed little with denaturant concentration or mutation but unfolding was very sensitive to denaturant and energy changes on mutation. The folding rate constant of 3 × 10 5 s −1 in water decreased with increasing viscosity, and was extrapolated to 4.4 × 10 5 s −1 at zero viscosity. Thus, the formation of the intermediate was partly rate limited by chain diffusion and partly by an energy barrier to give a very diffuse transition state, which was followed by the formation of structure. Conversely, the unfolding reaction required the near complete disruption of the tertiary structure of the intermediate in a highly cooperative manner, being exquisitely sensitive to individual mutations. The folding is approaching, but has not reached, the downhill-folding scenario of energy landscape theory. Under folding conditions, there is a small energy barrier between the denatured and transition states but a larger barrier between native and transition states.activation energy | barrier-limited | chevron plot | dynamics T he homeodomain superfamily is comprised of small threehelical-bundle proteins (1). Their pathways of folding are among the best characterized, with information coming from the effects of point mutations on the folding kinetics of individual members and by comparison of the different members of the family with the same fold but grossly different sequences (2). The mechanism of folding slides from a clear framework mechanism for the engrailed homoeodomain (EnHD) to nucleation-condensation for c-Myb (1, 3). EnHD is an ultrafast folding protein that forms an on-pathway intermediate in 1.7 μs, which rearranges in 17 μs to the native structure. The mechanism is unusually very well-established because the structure of the intermediate has been solved by NMR; it consists of helices 2 and 3 (H2, H3) in native-like conformation with H1 being helical but undocked (4). The H2-turn-H3 motif, is in fact, a stable domain of EnHD (5). Temperature-jump experiments using both IR to monitor secondary structure formation, and Trp fluorescence for tertiary interactions have been used to follow the folding of the wild-type protein, a mutant in which the H1 does not dock at physiological ionic strength, and an H2-turn-H3 construct (5). The H2-turn-H3 domain forms both secondary and tertiary structure in 1.7 μs, and the docking of H1 takes 17 μs. Direct mea...