Onion (Allium cepa L.; 2n = 16) belongs to the family alliaceae, and order asparagales; and the Allium is the monocot's largest genus, comprised of 920 species (Govaerts et al., 2005(Govaerts et al., -2014. Among them, onion (A. cepa L.), garlic (A. sativum L.), bunching onion (A. fistulasum L.), leek (A. porrum L.) and chives (A. schenoprosum L.) are widely being in cultivation. Among alliums, the onion has the largest economic potential, with 70% share value, followed by garlic (25%) (FAOSTAT, 2016), the consumption of onions has been steadily increasing over the world, most likely due to the nutritional benefits (Manjunathagowda et al., 2019); presence of an unique dietary flavonoids source and quercetin compounds (Slimestad et al., 2007); and medicinal therapeutic values such as lacrimatic, anti-cancer, antibiotic and anti-cholesterol activity (Grifths et al., 2002; Perez-Gregorio et al., 2010).In the world, onion acreage of 4.96 million hectare (mha) with production of 93.17 million tonnes (mt), the world's biggest onion growers are China (23.91 mt) and India (19.42 mt) (FAOSTAT, 2016).But the productivity of major onion-producing countries, China (22 tonnes per hectare (t/ha)) and India (16.18 t/ha), is low compared to Netherlands (49.70 t/ha) (National Horticultural Board, 2017), the United States (56.40 t/ha), Iran (37.95 t/ha) and Egypt (36.71 t/ha) (National Horticultural Board, 2018). This could be because of the largest onion-growing nations (China and India) have been largely covered by open-pollinated varieties, which produce poor yields per unit area and are influenced by seasonal short-day environmental conditions, as compared to countries that have adopted F 1 hybrids using the male sterility trait