In this study, we describe functional characteristics of neurons forming networks generating oral ingestive motor behaviours. Neurons in medial reticular nuclei on the right side of the brainstem between the trigeminal and hypoglossal motor nuclei were recorded in anaesthetized and paralysed rabbits during two types of masticatory-like motor patterns induced by electrical stimulation of the left (contralateral) or right (ipsilateral) cortical masticatory areas. Sixty-seven neurons in nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (nPontc), nucleus reticularis parvocellularis (nParv), and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (Rgc) were studied. These were classified as phasic or tonic depending on their firing pattern during the fictive jaw movement cycle. Phasic neurons located in the dorsal part of nPontc were active during the jaw opening phase, whilst those in dorsal nParv tended to fire during the closing phase. In most neurons, burst duration and firing frequency changed between the two motor patterns, but there was little change in phase of firing. Tonic units were mainly recorded in the ventral half of nPontc, and at the junction between Rgc and caudal nParv. Cortical inputs with short latency from the contralateral masticatory area were more frequent in phasic (82%) than tonic (44%) neurons, whilst inputs from the ipsilateral cortex were equal in the two subgroups (57% and 56%). Phasic neurons had significantly shorter mean contralateral than ipsilateral cortical latencies, whilst there was no difference among tonic neurons. Intra- and perioral primary afferent inputs activated both types of neurons at oligo-synaptic latencies. Our results show that subpopulations of neurons in medial reticular nuclei extending from the caudal part of the trigeminal motor nucleus to the rostral third of the hypoglossal motor nucleus are active during the fictive masticatory motor behaviour. Unlike masticatory neurons in the lateral tegmentum, the medial subpopulations are spatially organized according to discharge pattern.