DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.16390
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Identification and quantification of fatty acids and lipid‐soluble phytochemicals using GC‐MS, HPLC‐MS, and FTIR and their association with quality parameters during avocado ripening

Abstract: Consumer demand for the avocado fruit has increased considerably, but accelerated fruit ripening, lack of fruit ripening uniformity, and lack of proper quality characteristics and indices generate considerable problems during fruit handling and trade. Physicochemical parameters are used to determine avocado fruit ripening. These parameters together with lipid‐soluble phytochemicals (LSP) and fatty acids (FAs) highlight the health and economic importance of this fruit. Analysis of LSP and FAs in avocado fruit h… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(2 citation statements)
References 41 publications
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“…Regarding the oil obtained from the distinct avocado portions, the Soxhlet extraction (SE) using volatile solvents of petrochemical origin remains the most popular method to obtain oil for research purposes and detailed lipid analysis (Galvão et al, 2014;Manaf et al, 2018;Wang et al, 2023;Yanty et al, 2011) (Tables 4 and 7). SE with hexane (Amado et al, 2019;Cervantes-Paz et al, 2023;Galvão et al, 2014;Mpai & Sivakumar, 2020) or ethanol (Amado et al, 2019; F I G U R E 3 General lipidomics workflow operated for the analysis of lipids from avocado samples. The dashed arrows represent procedures considered optional according to the aims of the work.…”
Section: Mass Spectrometry Approaches For the Analysis Of Lipids In A...mentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Regarding the oil obtained from the distinct avocado portions, the Soxhlet extraction (SE) using volatile solvents of petrochemical origin remains the most popular method to obtain oil for research purposes and detailed lipid analysis (Galvão et al, 2014;Manaf et al, 2018;Wang et al, 2023;Yanty et al, 2011) (Tables 4 and 7). SE with hexane (Amado et al, 2019;Cervantes-Paz et al, 2023;Galvão et al, 2014;Mpai & Sivakumar, 2020) or ethanol (Amado et al, 2019; F I G U R E 3 General lipidomics workflow operated for the analysis of lipids from avocado samples. The dashed arrows represent procedures considered optional according to the aims of the work.…”
Section: Mass Spectrometry Approaches For the Analysis Of Lipids In A...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Regarding the oil obtained from the distinct avocado portions, the Soxhlet extraction (SE) using volatile solvents of petrochemical origin remains the most popular method to obtain oil for research purposes and detailed lipid analysis (Galvão et al., 2014; Manaf et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2023; Yanty et al., 2011) (Tables 4 and 7). SE with hexane (Amado et al., 2019; Cervantes‐Paz et al., 2023; Galvão et al., 2014; Mpai & Sivakumar, 2020) or ethanol (Amado et al., 2019; Ge et al., 2017; Páramos et al., 2020) has also been performed as more sustainable approaches for oil extraction. However, SE is a time‐consuming extraction process that requires a larger volume of solvents, higher energy consumption, and temperatures, promoting lipid oxidation and the degradation of bioactive compounds (Forero Doria et al., 2017; Manaf et al., 2018).…”
Section: Mass Spectrometry Approaches For the Analysis Of Lipids In A...mentioning
confidence: 99%