Rapeseed-mustard is one of the most important oilseed crops and providing a major source of edible oil in the world besides having other economic importance like leafy vegetables, ornamentals, and hedge crops. However, the genetic diversity present in the Brassica gene pool has not been investigated in detail. To address this problem, a study was conducted on 76 genotypes of B. juncea including cultivars, exotic lines, registered genetic stocks, advanced breeding lines, and germplasm lines. The genetic diversity was analyzed with the help of 50 polymorphic SSR and EST-SSR markers. For these genotype-marker combinations, a total of 126 alleles were amplified. Using molecular and phenotypic data, the dendrogram was constructed based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient and Manhattan dissimilarity coefficient and linkage algorithm UPGMA. All the genotypes were grouped into 5 clusters based on their dissimilarity matrix. Population structure analysis grouped the genotypes in 8 clusters and various degrees of admixture was also observed. The grouping of genotypes appears effective as per their pedigree. The marker data was found more accurate to characterize the diversity and study the population structure than the quantitative trait data. The results of the present investigation will provide useful information for the identification of important alleles for future studies and pave the way to enhance genetic gains in Indian mustard.