Intestinal reclamation of bile salts is mediated in large part by the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). The bile acid responsiveness of ASBT is controversial. Bile acid feeding in mice results in decreased expression of ASBT protein and mRNA. Mouse but not rat ASBT promoter activity was repressed in Caco-2, but not IEC-6, cells by chenodeoxycholic acid. A potential liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) cis-acting element was identified in the bile acid-responsive region of the mouse but not rat promoter. The mouse, but not rat, promoter was activated by LRH-1, and this correlated with nuclear protein binding to the mouse but not rat LRH-1 element. The short heterodimer partner diminished the activity of the mouse promoter and could partially offset its activation by LRH-1. Interconversion of the potential LRH-1 cis-elements between the mouse and rat ASBT promoters was associated with an interconversion of LRH-1 and bile acid responsiveness. LRH-1 protein was found in Caco-2 cells and mouse ileum, but not IEC-6 cells or rat ileum. Bile acid response was mediated by the farnesoid X receptor, as shown by the fact that overexpression of a dominant-negative farnesoid X-receptor eliminated the bile acid mediated down-regulation of ASBT. In addition, ASBT expression in farnesoid X receptor null mice was unresponsive to bile acid feeding. In summary cell line-and speciesspecific negative feedback regulation of ASBT by bile acids is mediated by farnesoid X receptor via small heterodimer partner-dependent repression of LRH-1 activation of the ASBT promoter.Reclamation of bile salts by the intestine is primarily mediated by the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) 1 located in the terminal ileum (1, 2). The bile acid responsiveness of ASBT expression, which is of fundamental importance to both cholesterol metabolism and cholestatic liver disease, is a matter of on-going controversy (3). Conflicting results have been observed in a number of laboratories, where experimental methodologies and animal species have been variable (4 -15). Positive (5, 7, 9, 11, 13-15), negative (4,6,8,12,15), and no (10) feedback regulation have been observed. Bile acid homeostasis has been perturbed by bile acid (4, 6, 8 -10, 12), sequestrant (4, 6, 8, 10), or cholesterol (10, 13, 14) feeding; by common bile duct ligation (7,10,11,15) or diversion (5, 9, 11); and by genetic modification of bile acid biosynthesis (12). Investigations have been carried out in rats (4, 5, 7, 9 -11, 15), mice (8, 12), guinea pigs (4, 6), and rabbits (13,14). Bile acid transport has been measured using intact intestine (4, 6, 11) and brush border membrane vesicles (5, 7, 9, 10, 15). ASBT expression has been quantified at the level of protein (9 -15) and messenger RNA (8,9,11,15). The complexity of the current literature reflects the difficulties of in vivo assessment of a transport system that is part of a highly integrated and tightly regulated metabolic pathway. The molecular mechanisms of bile acid responsiveness have been eluci...