Previously characterized soluble guanylyl cyclases form ␣- heterodimers that can be activated by the gaseous messenger, nitric oxide. In mammals, four subunits have been cloned, named ␣1, ␣2, 1, and 2. We have identified a novel soluble guanylyl cyclase isoform from the nervous system of the insect Manduca sexta that we have named M. sexta guanylyl cyclase 3 (MsGC-3). It is most closely related to the mammalian  subunits but has several features that distinguish it from previously identified soluble cyclases. Most importantly, MsGC-3 does not need to form heterodimers to form an active enzyme because guanylyl cyclase activity can be measured when it is expressed alone in COS-7 cells. Moreover, this activity is only weakly enhanced in the presence of the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside. Several of the amino acids in rat 1 subunits, previously identified as being important in heme binding or necessary for nitric oxide activation, are substituted with nonsimilar amino acids in MsGC-3. There are also an additional 315 amino acids C-terminal to the catalytic domain of MsGC-3 that have no sequence similarity to any known protein. Northern blot analysis shows that MsGC-3 is primarily expressed in the nervous system of Manduca.The intracellular messenger cGMP mediates a wide variety of cellular and physiological processes. It functions as the primary messenger in visual transduction (1, 2), is an important regulator in vascular smooth muscle and kidney function (3, 4), and has been implicated in a number of forms of neuronal plasticity (5-7).The enzymes that regulate the synthesis of cGMP fall into two major classes: the cytoplasmically localized, soluble guanylyl cyclases and the membrane associated, receptor guanylyl cyclases (4). Soluble guanylyl cyclases are obligate heterodimers composed of an ␣ and a  subunit. Two ␣ (␣1 and ␣2) and two  (1 and 2) subunits have been cloned from mammalian tissues (8 -13). The active heterodimer requires and binds heme as a prosthetic group and can be potently activated by the gaseous messenger, nitric oxide (NO) 1 (14). The soluble cyclases are found in the cytosol of cells, although the mammalian 2 subunit has a consensus isoprenylation site, suggesting that it might be associated with membranes. The receptor guanylyl cyclases, by contrast, are integral membrane proteins with transmembrane and extracellular domains (4).We have been using the insect Manduca sexta as a model system to study cGMP regulation and have previously shown that a neuropeptide, eclosion hormone, is a potent stimulator of cGMP levels in the central nervous system (15). Biochemical characterization of the eclosion hormone-stimulated cGMP increase suggested that eclosion hormone might activate a NOinsensitive, soluble guanylyl cyclase (15-18). In an attempt to identify the pathway for eclosion hormone-stimulated cGMP levels, we used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to identify guanylyl cyclases from Manduca nervous tissue. This approach has yielded a number of dif...