Lauschová I.: Influence of Estrogen and Progesterone on Ultrastructural Indices of Oviductal Epithelium in Sexually ImmatureMice. Acta Vet. Brno 1999, 68: 13-21.The influence of estrogen and progesterone on the oviductal epithelium of sexually immature mice aged 14, 21, and 28 days was studied using electron microscopy. These ages were used because the postnatal differentiation of the oviductal epithelium is completed in all substantial features. Each group was divided into three subgroups of 8-10 mice: controls, mice treated with estradiol, and mice treated with estradiol and progesterone.The administration of steroid ovarian hormones generally induced acceleration of the development of oviductal epithelial cells. The ultrastructure of these cells was similar to that of adult mice with normal estrous cycle. While estradiol influenced both ciliated and secretory cells and stimulated their proliferation and differentiation, the ultrastructural marks of increased secretory activity and degeneration of ciliated cells were observed after the progesterone administration. Ultrastructural changes of the oviductal epithelium exposed to exogenous estrogen and progesterone showed distinct regional differences.The height of the epithelium was evaluated as well. The measurement was made, both in controls and animals treated with hormones (mean values of differences of the epithelium height between estrogenized and progesteronized animals were 3.23 µm in the preampulla, 4.16 µm in the ampulla, and 2.02 µm in the isthmus), and also in the all segments of the oviduct: the epithelium is the lowest in the ampulla (14.25-18.34 µm), while, conspicuously, the higher epithelium lined the preampullary and isthmic segment (18.04-19.17 µm and 19.97-20.13 µm).The results of present study serve to verify the sensitivity of the tubal epithelium of sexually immature mice to exogenous steroid hormones of the ovary and to give preliminary morphological concept for immunohistochemical study of respective hormone receptors.