The induction of heat shock genes (HSPs) is thought to be primarily regulated by heat shock transcription factors (HSFs), which bind target sequences on HSP promoters, called heat shock elements (HSEs). In this study, we investigated the 5 untranslated regions of the Tetrahymena thermophila HSP70-1 gene, and we found, in addition to the canonical and divergent HSEs, multiple sets of GATA elements that have not been reported previously in protozoa. By means of in vivo analysis of a green fluorescent protein reporter transgene driven by the HSP70-1 promoter, we demonstrate that HSEs do not represent the minimal regulatory elements for heat shock induction, since the HSP70-1 is tightly regulated by both HSE and GATA elements. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay also showed that HSFs are constitutively bound to the HSEs, whereas GATA elements are engaged only after heat shock. This is the first demonstration by in vivo analysis of functional HSE and GATA elements in protozoa. Furthermore, we provide evidence of a functional link between HSE and GATA elements in the activation of the heat shock response.The heat shock response is a universal property organisms use to cope with injuries caused by elevated temperatures, infections, exposure to toxic elements, and other environmental stresses. It has been established as a paradigm for inducible gene expression, leading researchers to unravel fundamental questions related to the molecular mechanisms of gene switches. The heat shock response involves a rapid and massive synthesis of a set of the so-called heat shock proteins (HSPs), among which those with a molecular mass of ϳ70 KDa (HSP70s) play key roles (18).The stress induction of the HSP70s is generally regulated at the transcriptional level by the binding heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) to the heat shock elements (HSEs) present in the 5Ј flanking regions of heat shock genes. HSEs consist of contiguous inverted repeats of the sequence motif 5Ј-nGAAn3-Ј. The functional element usually contains a minimum of three repeated motifs with a maximum insertion of 5 bp between each motif (29). Nevertheless, functional HSEs may also digress from the consensus sequences. Among the deviations, the so-called gapped HSEs are frequently observed, containing a number of bases inserted between the repetitions. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MDJ1 promoter is an example of a functional gapped HSE since it carries an insertion of 11 bp between the first and the second repetition [nTTCn-(11 bp)-nGAAn-(5 bp)-nGAAn]. This promoter also contains two functional contiguous nGAAn direct repeats (38). Recently, several examples of functional HSEs with direct repeats of nTTCn or nGAAn interrupted by 5-bp insertions were characterized in the promoter regions of several S. cerevisiae genes (34, 41).Ciliated protozoa are unicellular eukaryotic organisms that are exposed to the natural environment for their entire life cycle. As a result, they serve as ideal organisms for studying molecular responses to the many stressful environmental conditi...